Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 7th Annual Manga Award- Go!

It's that time of year..[drum roll]...

Presenting: The 7th International  MANGA Award!

We've decided to shake things up by throwing our hat in the ring.

The International MANGA Award was established in May 2007 upon the initiative of then-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Taro Aso with the aim of awarding MANGA creators who contribute to the spread of MANGA culture overseas. It has been held every year since its establishment. This year as well, the Seventh International MANGA Award Executive Committee decided to hold the Seventh International MANGA Award.

The best MANGA from among all of the submitted works will be awarded the Gold Award. The next three best MANGA shall receive the Silver Award. Recipients will be invited to Japan by the Japan Foundation to attend the award ceremony. During the stay in Japan, they will also have exchanges of opinions with Japanese MANGA creators and to visit publishing companies and other places.

Win, Lose or Go Home?

We're happy that we were able to submit our entry ^.^

For more info: International MANGA Award Committee

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sakura Matsuri 2013

Sakura Matsuri means Cherry Blossom Festival. It's a beautiful Japanese celebration in which flower-viewing parties are held in parks, shrines and temples to watch the cherry blossoms bloom. One doesn't have to travel to Japan to experience Sakura Matsuri, there are also several festivals held in the US and world-wide each year.

To commemorate Sakura Masturi we made a special screen-print featuring Sally & Marty wearing traditional kimonos along a cherry blossom background ^.^

Cherry Blossom Festivals in the US:
International Cherry Blossom Festival - Macon, Georgia
National Cherry Blossom Festival -Washington, D.C
Sakura Matsuri - Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, NY
Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival- San Francisco, California

Cherry Blossom Festivals World-Wide:
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival-Vancouver, B.C.
Copenhagen Sakura Festival- Copenhagen
Cowra Japanese Garden- NSW
South Korea 
Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival-Jinhae 

Cherry Blossom Festivals in Japan:
Himeji Castle Cherry Blossom Viewing Festival - Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture
Kitakami Tenshochi Cherry Blossom Festival - Kitakami, Iwate Prefecture
Matsumae Koen Park Cherry Blossom Festival - Matsumae Town, Hokkaido Prefecture 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2001 Presents: The Mosquito Special- Part 1

    Looks like Xenon has discovered mosquitoes, or it's the mosquitoes' who have discovered him- Boy, do they love him ~.^

[Originally written in August 2000, and drawn and re-mastered in May 2013]